Experience the Software Development World With a Game

A game that lets players to play with software development is an excellent method of teaching programming and coding concepts such as loops and conditional statements. Zachtronics Shenzhen I/O is a game that accomplishes this. It puts players in the shoes of unhappy engineers who work for a boring company and have to build computer chips manually. They are given increasingly challenging circuits to design, starting by making lights flash in a particular pattern.

The interface of the game looks very similar to the tools used by developers in browsers and also teaches scripting. Screeps is another great example, which is a game that combines JavaScript code with massively multi-player online gameplay in order to create self-sustaining colonies. Both games are excellent at teaching basic www.mrworkspace.nl/2013/11/01/the-foolproof-news-from-software-development-world-strategy/ concepts and gradually introducing other players.